DropTableAdventures - DTAv3 - MOTAT (Museum of Technology and Transport) in 5 Minutes


Season Identifier S03E11
Original Filename motat_2.mov
Date Filmed 2021-07-10
Date Uploaded 2021-07-22 02:31:31 UTC
Date Released 2021-07-29 07:00:17 UTC
Location(s) Auckland, NZ
Notable Equipment The entire MOTAT
Camera(s) Used 2x GoPro Hero 8
Software Used Final Cut Pro, mTracker 3D, mCallouts
Subscribers when released     166


MOTAT is a fun place…

The frustration from trying to track that 3D title at the start made me buy mTracker 3D…



We visit the Museum of Technology and Transport in Auckland, NZ. It’s part historical museum, part historical village, part science centre, part technology showcase. We were last here for the Penguin Dinner event - a “formal” conference dinner event run as part of linux.conf.au in 2015.

MOTAT consists of two sites named MOTAT 1 and MOTAT 2. MOTAT 1 contains most of the scientific exhibits and collection, MOTAT 2 consists of a huge hall full of aircraft. You can catch an authentic vintage tram between them, which also stops at Auckland Zoo in the middle.

Highlights include much old fashioned electromechanical telephone exchange equipment (all fully working, and with rotary phones provided for you to operate it), a collection of interesting vehicles, a collection of interactive science exhibits, a live blacksmith’s shop and a collection of historic trams - one of them even from Melbourne.

