DropTableAdventures - The Coorong - Day 3 - A Ferry, Murray Mouth from Hindmarsh Island and the Murray Mouth from Goolwa


Season Identifier S01E?11
Original Filename Day3Coorong.mov
Date Filmed 2020-02-27
Date Uploaded 2020-03-11 02:21:42 UTC
Date Released 2020-03-12 08:28:05 UTC
Location(s) The Coorong, Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, Adelaide, SA
Notable Equipment A balloon launch
Camera(s) Used 2x GoPro Hero 8
Software Used Final Cut Pro, QGIS
Subscribers when released     27


The third instalment in the series, not the first to visit Adelaide, but the first to show any of it.

Notable for the balloon launch at the end of the video.



In Day 3 of our adventure, we pack up and take a look at the Murray Mouth from Hindmarsh Island, before driving to it from the other direction along Goolwa Beach. Then it’s back to Adelaide to wash the car and spend the night after a quick test balloon launch.

