DropTableAdventures - DTA Rev2.0 #12 - Pride Radio Group KiwiSDR build in 2 minutes


Season Identifier S01E12
Original Filename radio.mov
Date Filmed Most of December 2020 and part of January 2021
Date Uploaded 2021-02-02 09:23:59 UTC
Date Released 2021-02-03 08:54:04 UTC
Location(s) XSS’s house, Gladstone, QLD
Notable Equipment KiwiSDR setup
Camera(s) Used 2x GoPro Hero 8
Software Used Final Cut Pro
Subscribers when released     71


This one was released a bit out of order, as there was still one last video from Townsville.

But this one was finished, so it went out.

Unfortunately the setup had to be removed in 2022, as the house was sold, but the KiwiSDRs were donated to the EMDRC amateur radio club for them to run instead - so the equipment didn’t go to waste.



Building Pride Radio Group’s KiwiSDR setup from scratch and doing a bit of maintenance work on the VK4XSS SatNOGS station.

You can use them at http://kiwisdr.prideradio.group:8073/ for the active loop, and http://kiwisdr.prideradio.group:8074/ for the dipole.

