We’d been to the aircraft crash site before, so I really wanted to go back here and make a video about it.
This is that video.
Although it wouldn’t be the first plane crash I’d cover.
We take a trip round Kroombit Tops National Park and visit the Beautiful Betsy crash site, and tell the story of an aircraft that took off in 1945 and was not found until 1994.
Then we tackle the hard side of the 4WD Loop Road, and after that the long road out to Ubobo (well it’s not really a road…)
The first of many “doing things to the vehicle” videos.
L-Track and fittings bought from https://www.tiedownsdirect.com.au/ - bought 3x 3m lengths for $42 each, and 20 tiedown points for $2 each. Shipping to Melbourne was only $30 (surprisingly). Two lengths (6m) used in the back, with a 1m offcut (shown at start of video) left over. Third one remains for future projects.
50x M6x25 A2 stainless countersunk bolts and nylock nuts to match were $18 from United Fasteners. We actually needed 56 - I had a few spare in the parts tray.
Rear drawers are from 4WD Supacentre (aka Adventure Kings) - prices vary wildly when they’re on special. Bought them with the wings but had to modify the wings a bit to fit properly…
This video was the first to be practically useful, and deeply technical in nature.
It’s received a few views, so hopefully it’s useful to some.
Note: S Meter readings are taken with the pre-amp enabled at 2 (the highest setting). These will be 2-4 S units higher (~30db) than any other radio or this radio with the pre-amp disabled. The S5 on 20m with the preamp off is around S1.
Some adjustments to a Landcruiser 200 Series Diesel to significantly reduce interference with HF radio. The worst affected band, 20m/14MHz, close to S9+10 is reduced to a usable S5. 34dB or 2500x less noise power. Also, a common cause of OBD2 error P0299 fixed for $30 (instead of $600 of diagnostics for what is a common problem) (at 00:51).
(I said S9 flat - but what I meant was it never goes below S9)
Parts used: (not sponsored by any of these, just where I bought them)
After a long gap from the previous video, DropTableAdventures triumphantly returns.
This was arbitarily declared to be the start of Series 2. Not that that means anything.
In hindsight, given what came in the months to years afterwards, this seemed altogether too dramatic and triumphant, but after an extended lockdown, the idea of going to Queensland seemed too good to pass up.
The last video for quite a while, although we did not know this at the time.
First to feature a live sonde chase and recovery.
Looking at the dates, was edited and uploaded the same day it was filmed…
We never did go back and do another video on this, as promised in the description.
Recovering a radiosonde - but this one has a large payload with ozone metering incorporated.
There’s a lot left unexplained here, XSS Adventures and I will do a video explaining what these things do and why we’d go out to find it where it lands.
The Coorong, Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, Adelaide, SA
Notable Equipment
A balloon launch
Camera(s) Used
2x GoPro Hero 8
Software Used
Final Cut Pro, QGIS
Subscribers when released
The third instalment in the series, not the first to visit Adelaide, but the first to show any of it.
Notable for the balloon launch at the end of the video.
In Day 3 of our adventure, we pack up and take a look at the Murray Mouth from Hindmarsh Island, before driving to it from the other direction along Goolwa Beach. Then it’s back to Adelaide to wash the car and spend the night after a quick test balloon launch.